Exploring All Types of Brass Knuckles Available in the Market in 2020
Brass knuckles are extremely popular as tools, weapons or accessories in the modern days. A knuckle is basically a small thing wearable around the knuckles. As the name suggests, it is mainly made of bass, a powerful, durable and gorgeous material.
The idea behind knuckles is to make it a wearable fashion accessory. However, with its lethality, it is also a useful weapon. In fact, it is being used commonly as a self defense weapon.
However, the use of brass knuckles depends on their types. Yes, there are different types of brass knuckles you are probably unfamiliar with. The types differ in terms of materials, designs and the intended use of each knuckle.
Today, we are here to explore all types of brass knuckles. Following are the types of brass knuckles as per materials, styles and designs:
Brass Knuckles Types — As Per Material Used for Manufacturing
First of all, the brass knuckles differ as per the material used for manufacturing them. These are simply called knuckles. According to the materials, there are three types of knuckles as discussed below:
- Real Brass Knuckles
The real brass knuckles are the knuckles made of brass. This is why they are real. These are the most commonly used knuckles and also the most popular worldwide. Brass is a strong material and hence these knuckles are the strongest among them. Also, these are the most beautiful pieces of knuckles to wear around the knuckles.
- Aluminium Knuckles
As the name suggests, these are the knuckles made of aluminium. Aluminium is another material used for making knuckles. However, this is the least popular type of knuckles and very rarely used. Also, these are cheaper knuckles and not very durable.
- Metal Knuckles
Metal knuckles are the second most popular type of knuckles. These are made of metal and are cheaper than brass but better than aluminium. These are also used very commonly but not as commonly as brass. Metal is also a strong and durable material and this is why metal is also preferred for making knuckles.
Brass Knuckle Types — As Per Styles & Designs
Brass knuckles come in different styles and designs as well. There are several different types of knuckles with respect to designs and styles. Here we are exploring the most common types of knuckles:
- Brass Knuckle Knife
A brass knuckle knife is a popular variation of knuckles that features a knife. A blade is attached to the knuckles, making it a replica trench knife and a powerful combat knife. However, it is mainly used as a self defense weapon these days to beat the hell out of the attackers.
- Brass Knuckle Bottle Opener
This type of knuckle comes with a bottle opener. There is an additional bottle opener attached to it. This device is used to open bottles and canned objects. If you frequently drink cans and bottles, this is a type of knuckles you must carry on a daily basis.
- Brass Knuckle Belt Buckle
This is a beautiful piece of knuckles used as a belt buckle. It can be attached to the belt since there is a knob or buckle pin. That buckle pin makes it possible to attach to the belt and make a gorgeous belt buckle. It lets you make a fashion statement.
- Brass Knuckle Paperweight
This is a paperweight and is the most weighty brass knuckle. It is mainly used to control the papers. It is placed on the papers on a desk to make sure the papers stay on the desk and don’t fly away when the fan is turned on.
- Brass Knuckle Bullet Knife
This is generally a decor item. However, it is also used as a self defense weapon. It has a bullet knife attached to it. It can be used on a daily basis for accomplishing routine cutting work. Also, it is a beautiful decor item to place in a house or the office!
Which Are Your Favorite Brass Knuckles?
Since you have explored all types of brass knuckles, which are your favorite knuckles among these? Yes, there are different preferences and needs for every user.
In addition, the choice pretty much depends on the intended use of knuckles. Those who are eager to use them as a self defense weapon are likely to choose a brass knuckle knife.
Similarly, there are users who are looking for paperweight, a belt buckle, a bottle opener or fashion item, the choice of those users must be different, based on their intended use of those knuckles. Anyways, what is your chosen type of brass knuckle? Let us know in the comments section below!
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