4 Magnificent Self Defense Weapons for Women
Today, the most sought after thing in the market is self defense weapons. Specifically, women search for right weapons for them to defend against the attackers.
It is the women who suffer such attacks more often. The problem is that they are reluctant to use lethal weapons that men use.
Hence, it becomes slightly difficult for them to find the right weapon.
We have come up with a list of self defense weapons that fulfill the needs of the women.
These weapons are non lethal, easy to use, easy to carry and effective to battle against the attackers.
Following are the right weapons for women:
1. Pepper Spray
The best weapon for women to defend themselves is the pepper spray. This is perhaps the easiest to use weapon and is non lethal.
When sprayed in the face, it causes a burning sensation and sometimes leads to temporary blindness.
However, it never causes any lethal injury. There is no blade attached to it. All you can do is spray it in the face of the attacker.
Another good thing about this weapon is that it is carried quite easily. If you wear jeans, that’s great, you can carry it in your pocket because it’s so small.
Otherwise, you can carry it in your handbag.
2. Flashlight Stun Gun
Since women like non lethal and smart self defense weapons, here is another one. This is a stun gun flashlight option.
This is typically a small device which can be carried in the pocket. It is en electroshock device which deliver powerful electrical shock.
This shock is strong enough to immobilize the attacker for quite some time.
Also, using it is pretty easy. You just need to touch the body of the attacker with two prongs incorporated in the device.
This will deliver a shock to cause immobilization. As a result, you are able to escape and survive the victimization.
3. Lipstick Knife
Lipstick knife is slightly lethal, but extremely effective weapon for women. It fulfills all the needs of the women.
First of all, it is the easiest to carry. Like any hidden blade, it is placed as a hidden knife.
You can carry it like a cosmetic in your bag. It looks exactly like a real lipstick.
But, there is a blade attached to it. Twist the tube of the lipstick to reveal the blade. Then, twist to the other side to conceal the blade.
When an attacked comes to you, pull it out and inflict an injury and run away to save your life.
4. Necklace Knife
Like lipstick knife, necklace knife is also a hidden blade, but another very effective self defense weapon for women.
As the name suggests, it is a necklace. In fact, a blade is attached to the necklace. You can wear the necklace around your neck.
However, cover the hidden blade with a sheath. So, it is also easy to carry because you have actually worn it.
Also, it comes handy against the attackers. When you face an attacker, pull the blade and inflict the injury. It is enough to knock him down and allow you to escape.
So, which self defense weapon did you like? All these weapons are excellent for women.
They fulfill all their needs and prove to be extremely effective in a self defense situation.
So, get one of these weapons and ensure your survival against the attackers!
Read Also: What Makes Cool Knives Cool?